Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sheppard v. Maxwell

Sheppard v. Maxwell

Year:Decided on June,6,1966

Results:8 votes Sheppard, 1 votes against. In favor of Sheppard

Constitutional Issue:The 6th amendment, the right to a fair and speedy trial

Significance Its set up a new standard for preventing pre-judicial trials being interfered by the media,

Quote from Majority Opinion:Justice Clark wrote, “While we cannot say that Sheppard was denied due process by the judge’s refusal to take precautions against the influence of pretrial publicity alone, the court’s later rulings must be considered against the setting in which the trial held. In light of this background, we believe that the arrangements made by the judge with the news media caused Sheppard to be deprived of that ‘Judicial serenity and calm to which [he] was entitled.”

Dissent:Justice Black argued this problem would have easily been controlled the court, cause it is them how decides how the case is subjected by the media

6 Word Summary:New Standard for keeping media out

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