Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bethel v. Fraser

Bethel v. Fraser

Year:Decided on July,7,1986

Results:7 votes Bethel, 2 votes against, in favor of Bethel

Constitutional Issue:The freedom of speech, press, and assembly under the 1st amendment

Civil Rights/Liberties:Civil Liberties

Significance:This gave all schools the power to limit our 1st amendment freedoms, when we are at school.

Quote from Majority Opinion:Justice Burger delivered the opinion of the Court."We granted certiorari to decide whether the First Amendment prevents a school district from disciplining a high school student for giving a lewd speech at a school assembly"

Dissent:Justice Steven gave the dissenting opinion. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."

6 Word Summary:School given power to limit 1st amendment freedom

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