Tuesday, October 22, 2013

New Jersey v. TLO

New Jersey v. TLO

Year:Decided on January,15,1985

Results:6 votes New Jersey, 3 votes against, in favor of New Jersey

Constitutional Issue:The issue involved protection from unreasonable search and seizure under the 4th amendment. TLO sued for this cause she believed they violate her rights to privacy.

Civil Rights/Liberties:Civil Liberties

Significance:The significance was it gave the school more power to go through student stuff if and only if they have a "probable cause."

Quote from Majority Opinion:Justice White wrote"We granted certiorari in this case to examine the appropriateness of the exclusionary rule as a remedy for searches carried out in violation of the Fourth Amendment by public school authorities. Our consideration of the proper application of the Fourth Amendment to the public schools, however, has led us to conclude that the search that gave rise to the case now before us did not violate the Fourth Amendment. Accordingly, we here address only the questions of the proper standard for assessing the legality of searches conducted by public school officials and the application of that standard to the facts of this case."

Dissent:Justice Brennan believed that this new standard developed cause of this case was wrong, mainly because it gave "porable cause" a whole new meaning. Also in the future this new meaning would misapplied protection from unreasonable search and seizure.

6 Word Summary:"probable cause" given a new meaning

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