Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hazelwood v. Kurlmeier

Hazelwood v. Kurlmeier

Year:Decided on January,13,1988

Results:5 votes Hazelwood, 3 votes against, in favor of Hazelwood

Constitutional Issue:The freedom of speech,press,and assembly under the 1st amendment

Civil Rights/Liberties:Civil Liberties

Significance:It gave the school power to regulate speech and if was appropriate, also limited the students 1st amendment freedom when at school

Quote from the Majority Opinion:Justice White wrote that "A school need not tolerate student speech that is inconsistent with its basic educational mission, even though the government could not censor similar speech outside the school. ... (Judicial action to protect students' rights is justified) only when the decision to censor a school-sponsored publication, theatrical production or other vehicle of student expression has no valid educational purpose."

Dissent:Justice Brennan wrote the dissenting opinion and it said "The young men and women of Hazelwood East expected a civics lesson, but not the one the Court teaches them today...Such unthinking contempt for individual rights is intolerable from any state official. It is particularly insidious from (a school principal) to whom the public entrusts the task of inculcating in its youth an appreciation for the cherished democratic liberties that our constitution guarantees."

6 Word Summary:School gains power to limit students freedoms


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