Sunday, October 20, 2013

California v. Greenwood

California v. Greenwood

Year:Decided on May,16,1988

Results:6 votes for California, 2 votes against. In favor of California

Constitutional Issue:The 4th amendment, protection from unreasonable search and seizure.

Civil Rights/Liberties:Civil Liberties

Significance:The court stated that garbage is not protected by the 4th amendment, cause there was no reasonable expectation of privacy for trash on public streets.

Quote from Majority Opinion:Justice White wrote that “An expectation of privacy does not give rise to Fourth Amendment protection, however, unless society is prepared to accept that expectation as objectively reasonable”.He went on and wrote that “It is common knowledge that plastic garbage bags left on or at the side of a public street are readily accessible to animals, children, scavengers, snoops, and other members of the public."

Dissent:Justice Marshall and Bennan wrote what while the trash was acessable to anyone from the public doesn't mean there wasn't an expectation of privacy from Greenwood.Mostly cause people have always expected some from of privacy from our homes to the trash.

6 Word Summary:Garbage deemed not protected by 4th amendment

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